Running with Needles Caroline College


Caroline College 1823 is a stunning sampler from the collection of Myriam Riley, who also stitched the sampler. I can’t tell you how much I love this one. The organic border had me hook line and sinker. I have been...

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  • SKU: RNSCC25
  • Availability: In Stock

Caroline College 1823 is a stunning sampler from the collection of Myriam Riley, who also stitched the sampler. I can’t tell you how much I love this one. The organic border had me hook line and sinker. I have been a bad influence on Myriam as she now owns a number of samplers.

Caroline College 1823

Material & Dimensions:

Fabric: 40 count Mason Linen -

Haberdashery Medium Dark

Floss: Needlepoint Silk, Silk 'n Color

Stitch Count: 302 x 285