Jan Hicks Liberty Drum and Pin Cushion


Liberty Drum and Pincushion is a prim, sampler-inspired patriotic design which also honors the French aspirations of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The centerpiece of the drum design is a tree taken from my Louise Chappuis 1844 reproduction sampler, but here,...

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Liberty Drum and Pincushion is a prim, sampler-inspired patriotic design which also honors the French aspirations of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. The centerpiece of the drum design is a tree taken from my Louise Chappuis 1844 reproduction sampler, but here, it's topped by two eagles, centered under the word Liberty. Bunting decorates the top border of the drum and surrounds the quatrefoil design on the pincushion.

Drum Stitch Count: 270 x 85
Pincushion Stitch Count: 93 x 93
Model floss: Classic Colorworks Steamed Broccoli, Blue Beatrice, Holly Berry; The Gentle Art Cast Iron Skillet, Currant, Shutter Green, Tin Bucket; Weeks Dye Works Grits, Whiskey, Americana. DMC conversion also provided.
Fabric: R&R Reproductions Winter Brew 40 ct