Jan Hicks MiLady's Posies


Market Exclusive Milady's Posies is a beauty, if I do say so myself. The center "posy" is a reproduction of an antique powder compact. The flowers were stitched on silk gauze which decorates the top of the compact. Stitch Count:...

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  • SKU: JHCMP25
  • Availability: In Stock

Market Exclusive

Milady's Posies is a beauty, if I do say so myself. The center "posy" is a reproduction of an antique powder compact. The flowers were stitched on silk gauze which decorates the top of the compact.

Stitch Count: 249 x 87
Model floss: Hand-dyed Fibers silk along with a conversion to DMC
Fabric: Mason Linens Haberdashery Dark 40 ct